Cleargreen Exposed

Just added to the Menu level here is a page devoted to an in depth look at Cleargreen, Inc., the California stock corporation Castaneda established in 1995 to organize workshops and other Tensegrity events. The company also produced Tensegrity videos, T-shirts and published some of his later works. In this post, we delve into and expose Carlos Castaneda’s corporation Cleargreen.
Despite Castaneda insisting as his death neared in 1998 that he didn’t care if Cleargreen continued or not, the group under the leadership of one-timed Chamool Renata (“Reni”) Murez actively promoted workshops and even a multi-level, years long Tensegrity instructor certification program for over two decades following his passing. As summarized on the new page, Reni now appears to be the lone remaining staff person at Cleargreen, which has ceased to offer anything instructional since 2022 other than two video courses.

The new page features clips of video interviews with Reni and the other longtime Cleargreen staffer, former Chacmool Nyei Murez (who “took sabbatical” from Cleargreen in 2018 per her LinkedIn bio), where they claim not only that Castaneda did burn with the “fire from within,” much like don Juan, but where they also purport to answer questions about the whereabouts of some of the missing women.
As the new page ultimately argues:
“The loathsome, despicable deception Cleargreen has engaged in and doubled down on ever since Castaneda died his mundane death involves promulgating a blizzard of obfuscating falsehoods about the disappearance and likely suicides of five of its highest profile former shareholders. This includes two of the three Witches–Florinda and Taisha–they have continued to claim are still alive, and for awhile asserted were somehow guiding and advising their efforts. Their silence regarding the facts they know about where the women went and their transparently bullshit stories about what happened, all just to avoid damaging the ‘brand,’ have certainly been deeply hurtful to the families of those women, and to those of us who also loved and cared about them, depriving them of any sense of closure. These ongoing deceptions have also helped turn the whole Castaneda enterprise into one of the most scandalous and reprehensible cult coverups of all time.”
©️ 2024 by Richard Jennings, all rights reserved
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