Castaneda Cult

14 posts

New: No Copyright or Trademark Protection for Tensegrity

Just added to the site here a page summarizing the lawsuit filed by former Cleargreen employees and Tensegrity instructors Aerin Alexander and Miles Reid against Cleargreen. The case resulted in a ruling that there is no copyright or trademark protection for Tensegrity or the movements referred to as Magical Passes. Cleargreen and Laugan Productions, Inc.

Updated & Expanded Florinda Donner Chronology

Image courtesy Greg Mamishian & Gaby Geuter The chronology of Carlos Castaneda colleague Florinda Donner-Grau has been revised and updated here. Florinda Donner-Grau was one of the three supposed Witches (i.e., fellow apprentices of Castaneda’s teacher don Juan) and one of the five women closest to him who disappeared after Castaneda’s death. This 25th anniversary

Updated and Expanded Carol Tiggs Chronology

Carol Tiggs, aka Muni Aranha, in 2015 Discover the updated Carol Tiggs chronology, detailing her bizarre and mendacious journey over the years. The chronology of Carol Tiggs (aka Kathleen Pohlman, Elizabeth Austin, Muni Aranha) that was originally published here in June 1999 has been updated and expanded (by 40%) to take into account what we

Revised and Updated Blue Scout Chronology

What if everything about you was a lie? If your origin and whole life story was the fantastic, grandiose concoction of a famous and powerful man who came into your life in your late teens and then dictated how and where you would live, supporting you all the while, for the next 20 years? Who would you be and how could you carry on after that man died? Nury or Nuri Alexander (it’s Nury on her original name change application, but Nuri shows up on other legal documents), a.k.a. Claude, a.k.a. the Blue Scout (born Patricia Lee Partin) found she could not continue under those circumstances. When her inventor/creator ceased being around to maintain her on the absurdly high pedestal he had erected for her, she inevitably fell to earth and died. 

Castaneda’s Doctor Confirms His Normal Death

Sandy McIntosh, an original SA contributor (and former Tensegrity workshop attendee), befriended Angelica, the woman who would become Castaneda’s doctor in the two years before his death, at Tensegrity workshops. He was on hand when Florinda and Taisha first singled her out to serve as Castaneda’s doctor (and become, briefly, a member of the inner

New Piece on Castaneda True Believers

We just added a piece by original Sustained Action contributor Sandy McIntosh (a one-time workshop goer who is a professional writer and poet), describing an encounter he had with a Castaneda “true believer” who felt threatened by the material we started making available here on Sustained Action in 1999. The article explores how true believers

Never Before Published: Taisha Abelar Chronology

Taisha pictured in November 1974 Samurai Magazine For the reasons detailed below, this chronology was withheld when the SustainedAction website first went up in 1999, containing chronologies of two of the Witches, Carol Tiggs and Florinda Donner-Grau, as well as the so-called Blue Scout. Those chronologies established that the stories Castaneda told about these women–portraying

Cleargreen Exposed

“The loathsome, despicable deception Cleargreen has engaged in and doubled down on ever since Castaneda died his mundane death involves promulgating a blizzard of obfuscating falsehoods about the disappearance and likely suicides of five of its highest profile former shareholders. This includes two of the three Witches–Florinda and Taisha–they have continued to claim are still alive, and for awhile asserted were somehow guiding and advising their efforts. Their silence regarding the facts they know about where the women went and their transparently bullshit stories about what happened, all just to avoid damaging the ‘brand,’ have certainly been deeply hurtful to the families of those women, and to those of us who also loved and cared about them, depriving them of any sense of closure. These ongoing deceptions have also helped turn the whole Castaneda enterprise into one of the most scandalous and reprehensible cult coverups of all time.”

Four Women from Castaneda’s Inner Circle Still Missing

Four Women from Castaneda’s Inner Circle Still Missing

As detailed in the Introduction and Chronologies on this site, five of the women closest to Castaneda disappeared in the days immediately following Castaneda’s death on April 27, 1998. Details of the disappearance of five of the women closest to Castaneda, and the eventual discovery and positive identification of the remains of one of them, Nury Alexander (aka the

Sloppy, Verbose, Pseudo Journalism – Geoffrey Gray’s Alta Journal piece

In sum, despite its length and the author’s claim to be an experienced “investigative reporter,” this piece contains virtually no new information regarding the missing women, other than some further details from the park ranger who found the Blue Scout’s abandoned car and the call Gray received from the current owners of Castaneda’s Westwood compound, who indicate they purchased the property in 2009. Everything else seems to be a summary of material that’s already been long available in the public record, especially here on Sustained Action, along with Gray’s fanciful speculations on that material. Then there are those significant errors, summarized here.

25th Anniversary Update

25th Anniversary Update

The original Sustained Action website went up in 1999. That version of the website contained material that would be of interest to fellow Castaneda followers (workshop notes, summaries of private sessions with Castaneda) in an effort to lure them into reading the other material (e.g., chronologies of Castaneda and the Witches, reports on likely source
