The purpose of this site is to provide accurate, well researched and documented information about Carlos Castaneda and his group. This site is also a place for exploring and evaluating the legacy of Carlos Castaneda and his work, on anthropology, shamanism, native cultures, philosophy, spirituality, and our culture and world in general. That means exploring possible sources and inspirations Castaneda drew from in writing his bestselling books as well as the efficacy of the philosophies and practices he espoused.

This is an ongoing and multi-layered inquiry, and one that is aimed at raising awareness and understanding.

In furtherance of the site’s purpose, the site has adopted a policy of openness and transparency. Comments are welcome on the material on this site. We aim to provide citations and references wherever possible regarding the sources of information. We are also building a growing set of links here to articles and books that provide additional information regarding Carlos Castaneda and his legacy.

We have also adopted a formal, written privacy policy regarding comments, cookies, embedded content from other sites and how your information is safeguarded. The link to this policy is below:

Privacy Policy