1st Night Session – Monday, October 7, 1996, Dance Home

1st Cleargreen Night Session for me and other Sunday group people

I was invited to class with Castaneda and Cleargreen people. This was the first Cleargreen night session that I and a handful of other Sunday group people were invited to. It was much more informal than our Sunday sessions. People stood in little clumps around the room as Castaneda came up to the front. He talked about Bruno with Jennih and a couple of other people, so those of us who had been talking in other parts of the room came forward to hear what he was saying. A strong memory from the evening was the story Castaneda shared from his childhood about the fearsome “Miss Layva” as an example of the importance of getting desensitized to insults.

Carlos Carlucci Looks Different

“Someone told me that they had seen Carlos Carlucci and he looked a lot different. I asked, ‘Where did you see him?’ and they responded, ‘The Sunday class.’ I objected, ‘Carlos Carlucci wasn’t in the Sunday class.’ Keith has these two assistants, Pablo and Bruno, whom I had seen around and invited to the Sunday class. Carlos Carlucci was this tall, stiff Argentine that Rosa had been pushing to bring to the class, and I said, ‘Forget it.’ I told this person, ‘Get your facts straight. That’s ridiculous–Carlos Carlucci was not in the class. How could you say that?’ Then I finally thought, ‘Is it possible that I’m wrong?’ I asked someone, and found out that the guy who used to be Carlos Carlucci now goes by the name Bruno. I didn’t like Carlos Carlucci, but I like Bruno, because he is very open, and light. So, Carlos Carlucci snuck in. Good for him. It reminds me of the scene in a Star Trek movie [Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, see stills above] where the doctor in Golden Gate Park jumps onto Kirk’s back to go with them when the transporter beam pulls him. That scene gives me chills.”

Invisible First Aid Kits

He claimed to have cut his finger, although it did not look like he was bleeding. He asked, “Didn’t I hear that Cleargreen is getting a First Aid kit? That’s good. Ellis should sell sorcerers’ First Aid kits at the workshop.”

Florinda responded, “They should be invisible. If you can’t see it, then you don’t have enough energy.”

Movement for Getting Rid of Flyer’s Mind

“So,” he said, “let’s go. Let’s start doing the movements.” He taught us this intriguing movement for helping to get rid of the Flyer’s Mind, consisting of fists up, hands facing each other in front of the body, and then up to the near the temples, using the shoulders to move the arms up. Then press the fists tight against the temples, and with an exhalation, you thrust the fists backward, to the sides of the body, getting rid of whatever is in the mind.

He commented to John who was standing in front of him, “You should do this,” meaning this pass, “when you are having trouble with your board” of directors. He joked, “Just tell them, ‘Wait a minute,’ and do this.” Jessica interjected, “But they think he’s crazy already.” Castaneda responded, “It doesn’t matter. Do this and you won’t have any trouble with your board.” He told us that we can get rid of the Flyer’s Mind, “We’re close, someone in the Sunday group will do it, and the rest will follow.”

During the passes, Castaneda stressed not compensating with the knees in moving from side to side.

Getting Desenstized to Insults

“Carola shocked me lately, taking after Popa,” meaning Carol.

At one point he said “Gordita” to Carol. He explained, “That never fails, ‘Gordita’ gets her riled, just like it used to when she was younger. Then she’ll measure her thighs and call out the number,” he claimed.

Florinda responded, “What if we were to call you something?” He offered, “You can call me short.” She shot back, “I didn’t mean your height, I meant something else.” He ignored her.

The Intimidating Miss Layva from His Childhood

“There was a girl who moved into our neighborhood when I was about ten years old, ‘Miss Layva.’ She was the same age. I was capable, even though I was small, of knocking down all the other kids my age. Kids twice my age would knock me down all the time, but kids my age I had under control. This girl, however, always managed to knock me out.

“The first time she saw me she said, ‘You’re terribly short aren’t you? You’re a dwarf.’ This just leveled me.” He mimicked himself looking away. “She would ask, ‘Don’t you want to fight or something?’ ‘No.’ Anyway, she finally got me into a fight and she clobbered me. So one night late I happened to go into the church. The old priest was in his sixties, with white hair, and I caught him fucking this little girl. So I backed out of there, thinking that now I really had something to get her with. When I saw her again, she insulted me as usual and I told her, ‘You can say whatever you want, but I saw you fucking the priest on such and such day.’ She said, ‘No you didn’t.’ ‘Yeah, I did.’ She insisted, ‘No you didn’t, you didn’t see anything like that. It didn’t happen. Even let’s say it happened, a gentleman would never talk about a lady that way. You’re just a hick.’ This completely slayed me, so she got me again.

“My grandfather told me not to worry, that one of these days she was going to get knocked up, have a baby, and that will be the end of her. That made me feel better. My grandfather also told me about a local plant, which had a couple of names, including ‘ijing,’ that was supposed to be effective against contraception.” (He kept saying, “anti-” something; I think he was looking for antispermicidal.) “So I decided I would go tell this girl, for whatever it was worth, how to use this plant so she could prevent getting knocked up. I went to her house and knocked on the door and she was full of abuse, as usual. I said, ‘For whatever it’s worth, my Grandfather says you’re going to get knocked up and have to get married. So I just wanted to let you know about this thing that grows here that you could use against contraception.’ She was still a bit abusive, saying, ‘You don’t know what you’re talking about’ or ‘That’s not going to happen,’ but then said, ‘Okay, for the heck of it, show me this thing.’ So I did. I never saw her again.

“I had repressed this memory of her, and it did not come up until just recently. The Flyer’s Mind is long gone with me, so this incident got to me so deeply, that it was my self, my real self, not the Flyer’s Mind, that was repressing my memories of this girl and how she bested me. This is an example of how we really have to dig to get at those real secrets. It’s not a secret that we masturbate. I can see that. We have to get down to the real nutty, thorny things that we hide from ourselves. This was one I had not even told don Juan about.

“I had tried to think who I had known in my life who was not a bored fuck. This girl was not a bored fuck. You cannot tell with sorcerers, because they have already learned to manage their energy, so they look like they have a lot of energy. But to find somebody natural, in a wild state, who has got that kind of power and energy–wow! She was one of the few I have ever seen.”


The paperweights in Mexico were commented on, how nice they were, and that they were even less expensive. Nyei claimed they weighed more, but Kylie said no, they were the same weight. Nyei said they weighed “.1 ounce more” on the scale they use for mailings. They liked the softer leather. [Similar paperweight for sale here on Etsy.]

They commented that Ellis was going to have to go down there for the cheaper labor. Something was also said about her looking for new merchandising ideas.

Afterwards I received a hug from Florinda. She asked me how I was, and how was the workshop. I said I did not know what she had done, but things went really well. She said it had made a big difference that they had started by speaking Spanish the first night.

When I talked to John M. later, he said he runs a corporation, and he had to replace some board members recently. Then I chatted with Miles and someone else. Then there were only John and Jessica left talking with Castaneda. He thanked me for stuff I had given him, meaning the books, I guess. Then he commented to John and Jessica, “I don’t even recognize this guy anymore,” and I responded, “Nor do I.”

[The Witches and all the Cleargreen contingent, except Bruce and Nury, were there. From our Sunday group, the others besides myself were Greg Shores, Paul Gutsmuths, Victoria Gutsmuths, John and Jessica M. and Jennih A.]

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