There have been a host of articles, books, documentaries and videos about Carlos Castaneda, the group around him, the missing Witches and the like in the years since the first version of this website went up in 1999. This page will present a growing list of links to those works, as well as reviews and critiques of the information contained in them. The links below are in reverse chronological order, so that the latest material will continue to appear at the top of this page for the convenience of regular site visitors.


The Case of the Missing Chacmools by Geoffrey Gray, Alta Journal, 6/19/24

➡️ Critique of Geoffrey Gray’s Alta Journal piece by Richard Jennings

The Witches Of Westwood and Carlos Castaneda’s Sinister Legacy by Hadley Meares,, 9/2/2021

Carlos Castaneda: Godfather of the New Age Movement,, June 10, 2018

All That Remains of Your God: The life and death of the Blue Scout, by Colin Dickey, 9/4/2014, The Archipelago

MISSING AMALIA: Family pushes for new search in 1998 disappearance of California cult members, Matt Ward, Pahrump Valley Times, 4/11/2014

Doing Carlos Castaneda’s Bidding for Amy Wallace, by David Houston, 9/13/2013

Bones found in Death Valley Confirmed to be those of Patricia Partin/Nury Alexander, by Robin Flinchum, Pahrump Valley Times, 2/10/2006


Sorcerer’s Apprentice: My Life with Carlos Castaneda, by Amy Wallace, North Atlantic Books, 2003

➡️ Review of Sorcerer’s Apprentice by Sandy McIntosh, American Book Review, June/July 2004



Trickster: The Many Lives of Carlos Castaneda

Other Videos